
Security company Grifs AG started its operations in Latvia in 2002 and is the second largest security company in the local market. Grifs AG has been operating in Lithuania since 2003 and in Estonia since the end of 2004. At present, Grifs AG employs just over 700 security staff in Latvia, 820 in Lithuania and more than 1,700 in the Baltic States.

The shareholders of the security company Grifs AG are Latvian entrepreneurs and the Norwegian security company Protect AS

Grifs AG's core business is the provision of security services. We provide security consulting, guarding equipment, design and installation of systems and maintenance services. We provide security services - guarding and protection of movable and immovable property, ensuring order on site and at events, and also offer additional services in Latvia and Lithuania in the form of cleaning services.

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Grifs OÜ

Tatari 64, Tallinn

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