Continuous development of new products and intensive contact to the wholesalers and plumbers made it possible to build up an excellent reputation throughout and outside Europe.
These days the factory is proud of having very modern and highly competitive production facilities on an area of 10.000 square meters. That also comprises a shop for the independent construction of injection molds and tools. The company employs about 100 people.
In 1990 the first information bureau in the Eastern European countries was founded in Budapest and rapidly others succeeded. Today HL is represented in Brno, Bratislava, Maribor, Milan, Warsaw, Sofia and Moscow. The markets of Western Europe are served from Germany. The innovative high-quality HL-products and the intense market support are the basis of an actual 60% exporting quota. In 1995 the company was awarded the quality certificate ISO 9001. Product innovation, quality and reliability as well as the effort to meet the customers´ demands promptly are the highest goals of HL.