Stand : V-08

Ecosauna Project OÜ manufactures luxurious hot tubs, both traditional and special saunas and camping houses.

The key to our rapid growth and success is our professional team, long experience, carefully selected materials, high quality products and trusted customers both at home and abroad.

We have more than 4500m2 of production space at our disposal, of which approx. 800m2 is exclusively dedicated to the production and development of DeLux hot tubs. The remaining space is used for the daily production of saunas, camping and other products. Our team consists of about 40 nice people, all of whom are specialists in their field and dedicated to their work.

Together with good partners we export our products to more than 30 countries all over the world.

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Rebase tee 1, Himmaste, 63228 Põlva maakond


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Rebase tee 1, Himmaste, 63228 Põlva maakond